The Great Place in Gianyar, Bali

Hello guys. No time to write in this blog hahaha so today I tell you about another great place in Bali. I'm so excited to know this place first in Bali, another TMII even this "small". And if you want to look that picture about this place, please visit to and see that's video. Check this! xx


“See Indonesia in One Afternoon”

Taman Nusa is a cultural park that aims to offer a comprehensive information on the cultures of Indonesia’s various ethnic groups in an attractive and interactive way, while enjoying the natural beauty of Bali. Its mission is to provide a conservation, didactic and recreative means for both domestic and foreign visitors to accurately understand the depiction of Indonesia.
Situated on 15 hectares of land, visitors are invited to explore and experience Indonesia’s journey throughout the ages beginning from the prehistory, bronze age, kingdoms, and an archipelago of Indonesian cultures. The journey continues to the early national era, independence, modern times and finally to the nation’s future.


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